Saturday, June 21, 2014


A lily among thorns, that is what you are;
        a captivating beauty among women.

You have taken my heart hostage, my beloved, my bride;
        you have stolen it with one glance,
        captured it with a single strand of your hair.

How satisfying is your love, my beloved, my bride!
        Your love is more pleasing than the finest food,
        your friendship more fragrant than costly perfume!

Your lips taste sweet like honey off the comb, my bride;
        milk and honey are beneath your tongue.
The scent of your nearness is like the freshness of spring.

I have set you as a seal over my heart, my bride;
        I display your companionship as an emblem on my arm.
Our love is stronger than death,
        our togetherness, more relentless than the grave.

Our love flares up like a blazing fire, a very ardent flame.
        No amount of water can quench it;
        a raging flood cannot drown it out.
If all the wealth of the world were offered in exchange for our love,
        It would be utterly insufficient.

So arise my dearest, my beauty, my bride, my love,
        and come away with me.
The flowers are unfolding in the fields;
        the birds are warming up their songs.
Let us return to the spring of our love.


Written for Tammy Doll by her husband, Brad, on the Occasion of our 23rd Wedding Anniversary 6-22-14

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