Thursday, January 14, 2010

I Wish You My Kind of Success

"To be honest, in life, I have failed as much as I have succeeded. But I love my wife. I love my life. And I wish you my kind of success." Jerry Maguire

When God sends you a soul mate, it's an amazing thing. That's what Tammy is. My soul mate. My best friend. My lover. The wife of my children. The heart of our home. Master chef. Photographer. Filmmaker. Graphic designer. Home decorator. Event planner. Volunteer. Lover of God. Church devotee. One who still honors her parents. Believer in dreams. Romantic. Never say die. Don't give up. My biggest champion. She is nothing less than the physical embodiment of everything that is meaningful and important to me. I thank God for sending her to me because I didn't know what it meant to live until I looked into her eyes on the altar of Franklin Baptist Church on June 22, 1991 and promised her that I would love and cherish her until the day I die.

Here's the cool thing I've learned since then. When you love your wife, it's easy to love your life. And when you love your wife and you love your life, you have discovered what it means to be truly successful. Turns out, Jerry Maguire was right.

Written by Brad Doll

1 comment:

  1. this post gives me hope. i only pray that someday i will find the kind of love that you and tammy feel for each other... you are truly blessed. hugs to you both!
